It was the sort of place that other dumps would avert their eyes from and cross the street to avoid. The Last Resort, up until 2003, was – and I’m being modest in my praise – a dump. We are giving you the scoop on Port Orange, Florida, a landmark that’s become a most-do item in every dark tourist’s bucket list… the world-famous Last Resort Biker bar. If you also happen to like palm trees, choppers, a cold one at any given hour of the day, and killer women then you just hit the jackpot! In today’s stroll through the bizarre and often illogical byways of campy roadside attractions, we are going into the weird head first. Morbid, ghoulish, macabre, and with a sick sense of humor… if any of those terms seem to apply when crafting an apt description or internet dating profile of who you are, then you’ve stumbled onto the right article.